So, if I had nickel for every time someone asked me how we came up with our name, I’d be rich! Well, not really, in fact that probably wouldn’t even be enough to take the family out to dinner, but I digress. The fact is that ever since we founded the company way back in 2007, people have been asking that very question.
Well, here it is…
Sometime back around 2004 my wife and I took a trip to Branson and did some shopping at the outlet stores. I ended up finding a hat that was appealing to me for obvious reasons (see the pic above). It had a big golden moon and said “half moon plumbing”. In full transparency, I originally thought it was a play on words referring to the old stereotype of “plumber’s crack”. I’ll never understand why anytime someone bends over and has trouble keeping their britches up, it automatically makes them a plumber. I thought the irony was kind of funny and since I was a plumber, I wore it like a boss!
Fast forward to the summer of 2007; we had just moved to Owasso and we were needing to come up with a name for our company. I wanted something clean, polished, professional, and sophisticated that would adequately reflect the level of service we intended to provide. However, my friend who was helping me with our logo and website wouldn’t hear of it. He said “you have to be Half Moon Plumbing!”. I said “no way, people will think that’s a crude name!”. He went on and explained to me that the half moon symbol wasn’t crude at all, but that it was actually the universal symbol for outhouses. Who knew???
He assured me that the logo would communicate a sense of clean, ironic, nostalgia, and no one would be left with the awful, mental image of the beltless plumber. Soon after my wife joined in on the lobbying campaign and I eventually caved under the pressure. Well, after all these years, I am happy to admit, they were right!
From that moment forward we have been plumbing with purpose under the moniker Half Moon Plumbing.