Burning Tree Plumbing Services

    Half Moon Plumbing provides affordable plumbing services throughout the neighborhood of Burning Tree. Burning Tree addition of Tulsa is made up of mostly 3-bedroom homes or condominiums, with a population of just over 4,100. The Median household income in 2016 for this neighborhood was in the low $40,000 annually, creating a working-class neighborhood. The average home value in this neighborhood is $150,000, with some homes being recently remodeled or added on, bringing their value up.

    Burning Tree addition offers several Montessori and private schools as well as public schools, which rank high in the state as well as in the country for quality education. Of the adult residents in this neighborhood, most have a high school diploma or equivalent. Some have gone on to obtain an Associate Degree and higher.

    Living in Burning Tree

    The residents in Burning Tree are a working-class group and the drive time for most is short with it being nestled between 61st and 71st to the north and south and Memorial and South Mingo Road to the east and west.

    Burning Tree Zip:
    Burning Tree Geo Coordinates:
    Lat: 36.071849
    Long: -95.875658

    Thing to do in Burning Tree

    Dining and shopping are nearby, including a Walmart Super Center and the Woodland Hills Mall. Dining includes several chains such as The Cheesecake Factory. For something to take the kids to, the Skyzone Trampoline Park is just to the north and with Tulsa not far away, the bigger stores and more unique dining experiences are just a few minutes away. More even more details visit Here